About us

Once upon a time, in the heart of the vibrant city of Cluj-Napoca, an idea began to take shape. It wasn’t an ordinary idea; it was a vision for a place that would disrupt the norms of dining and drinking experiences. The founders of NAK’D were tired of the same old formulaic dining experiences, marked by hidden costs and inflated prices. They longed for a return to the essentials – quality food, exceptional drinks and good company, all within an atmosphere that was as honest as it was vibrant.

And so, they began to peel back the layers of traditional establishments, stripping away the unnecessary complexities and frills, until they were left with the core elements of a perfect dining experience. They envisioned a place where transparency reigned, and customers could relax, knowing that they were only paying for the true value of their experience.
Image of cocktail at the bar, NAK'D, Charlie Town.
Thus, NAK'D was born, embodying a bold, innovative, and unapologetically authentic brand. The name itself, compressed and all caps, was a cheeky play on the concept of ‘naked' prices – transparent, honest and bare. The venue quickly became a haven for middle-aged, middle-class, young professionals who craved a different kind of dining experience.
Lamb chops, NAK'D, Charlie Town.

Our Concept

We take pride in offering you an exceptional dining experience that's not only delicious but also economically responsible. It allows us to deliver uncompromised quality while keeping our prices fair. So when you visit NAK'D, savor the flavors, relish the experience, and know that you're contributing to our pursuit of culinary perfection.


Our purpose is to offer you the highest quality for the lowest possible price. So much so, we are selling all our products at the list price provided by our suppliers. But, to ensure you have a great experience and still sustain our business, we need to charge a fee of 30 lei / person / hour. 


Bon apetit!

*Keep in mind, our service charge is not tips.


Scopul nostru este de a vă oferi cea mai bună calitate la cel mai mic preț posibil. Așadar, toate produsele noastre sunt vândute la prețul de listă al furnizorilor noștri. Cu toate acestea, pentru ca experiența dumneavoastră să fie una excelentă, dar și pentru a susține afacerea noastră, percepem o taxă de servire de 30 de lei pentru fiecare oră, per persoană.


*Vă rugam rețineți, taxa de servire nu reprezintă bacșiș.

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